Cliffs and Coastline

Reptiles & Amphibians
Land mammals
Land mammals
Insects & Invertebrates
Butterflies & Moths
Lizard Point, Tony Blunden

Much of The Lizard’s coastline is dominated by tall rocky cliffs, particularly on the more exposed west coast of the peninsula which faces the Atlantic head on. Here you will find plants with a more stunted habit – such as Ox-eye Daisy – than they would in more sheltered places. Some plants thrive on the rocks and in the rocky hollows along the top of the cliffs, including Spring Sandwort and English Stonecrop. The clifftops are largely grassy with a low sward, from grazing and the effects of the wind exposure, and you can find plants such as Dyer’s Greenweed, Common Centaury, Sea Campion and Wild Carrot. The western clifftops are home to Land Quillwort – which occurs nowhere else on mainland Britain – in places of thin acidic soil over rocky ground.

Some birds nest on the cliffs, notably the Chough but also species such as Fulmar and Raven.



