It does not take a genius to know that the more we know about our nature reserve and associated land the better we can care for it. People have been recording and researching the flora and fauna of The Lizard since the first botanical record made here by eminent Cambridge botanist John Ray in 1667.
The organisations involved in managing our natural resources encourage people of all abilities to enjoy and record wildlife. Cornwall is in the unique position of having two recording databases in the county – ERICA and ERCCIS. Both collect and collate species distribution data to monitor the health and trends in the natural world.
The Lizard offers great opportunities for study, and has been the subject of many research reports. We have an ever-growing library which aspires to hold copies of all the research carried out, and make it available for those who would find it useful. We currently have over 500 reports on the database, from 1960 to the present, including the ground-breaking ecological works of Coombes and Frost, and John Hopkins. There is research on all manner of the Lizard’s ecology such as rare plants, archaeological reports and land use studies. If you would like a copy of the current database please contact steve.townsend@naturalengland.org.uk
If you are aware of reports that we do not hold then we would love to hear from you; and if you have ideas for further research we would welcome your thoughts.