Category: Flora

  • Hairy Beech Gall

    Hairy Beech Gall

    Hairy Beech Galls, induced by a parasitic gall-midge, are one of the galls found on our native Beech trees. Head to our section on invertebrates to find out more. Photo: […]

  • Silk Button Gall

    Silk Button Gall

    Silk Button Galls, induced by a parasitic wasp, are one of the many kinds of galls found on our native oak trees. Head to our section on invertebrates to find […]

  • Pale Butterwort

    Pale Butterwort

    A paler, smaller version of Common Butterwort, the Pale Butterwort is harder to find, but worth the search. Crousa Downs is a good place to look. Photo: Kate Dalziel

  • Red Campion

    Red Campion

    Red Campion is at its most vibrant from the spring into summer. Find it in woodland edges, hedgerows and roadside verges. Photo: Steve Townsend

  • Spangle gall

    Spangle gall

    Spangle Galls, created by a parasitic wasp, are one of the many kinds of galls found on oak trees. Head to our section on invertebrates to find out more. Photo: […]

  • Common Scurvygrass

    Common Scurvygrass

    From May to August, Common Scurvygrass can be found along the clifftops of The Lizard. Photo: Amanda Scott

  • Oak Marble Gall

    Oak Marble Gall

    Oak Marble Galls, common on oak trees, are created by a parasitic gall-wasp. Head to our section on invertebrates to find out more. Photo: AnemoneProjectors, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia […]

  • Bog Asphodel

    Bog Asphodel

    This bright plant of boggy areas on the heathland puts on an amazing display in early summer. Photo: Amanda Scott

  • Fly Agaric

    Fly Agaric

    It’s the picturebook ‘pixie toadstool’ – and there’s lots of it about in the autumn. Look for it in woodland. Photo: © Natural England/Peter Wakely

  • Carline Thistle

    Carline Thistle

    Late-flowering Carline Thistles bring a touch of gold to the early autumn landscape at Kennack Sands. The dry flowerheads persist through the winter. Photo: Steve Townsend

  • Snowdrops


    In February, the weather might still be cold and blustery, but snowdrops, the early heralds of spring, are already poking out their gleaming white heads. Photo: Amanda Scott

  • Pigmy Rush

    Pigmy Rush

    In the early days of summer, look out for diminutive, pink-flushed Pigmy Rush along the ancient trackways of The Lizard. Photo: Amanda Scott

  • Black Bryony

    Black Bryony

    Autumn is setting in, which means it’s almost berry season! You can look forward to Elder, Hawthorn, Holly, and the lovely but poisonous red berries of Black Bryony (pictured). Photo: […]

  • Lesser Centaury

    Lesser Centaury

    Look for for Lesser Centaury in summer and early autumn along coastal clifftops. Photo: Steve Townsend

  • Autumn Lady’s-tresses

    Autumn Lady’s-tresses

    You may be lucky and find the last blooms of this lovely, and relatively rare, member of the orchid family into October.Photo: © Natural England/Peter Wakely 

  • Fragrant Orchid

    Fragrant Orchid

    Fragrant Orchids are close to the end of flowering by July, but they (and their lovely scent) still linger on in some spots on The Lizard. Photo: © Natural England/Peter […]