The chough, is the much loved spiritual emblem for Cornwall and Cornish people.
Since their historic natural return in 2001, choughs are now part of the scenery on the Lizard and a walk along the coast is not complete without seeing and hearing them. They are still rare though with only seven pairs breeding in Cornwall (their nearest neighbours are in Wales). During the breeding season (March-June) we need volunteers to help guard the chough’s nestsites both here in the Lizard and elsewhere in Cornwall to ensure these Schedule 1 birds are not disturbed either deliberately or by accident. Volunteers are also needed to help run a public watchpoint where visitors are introduced to the chough’s story and given fantastic views of the birds. Entering the choughs’ world against the beautiful backdrop of the coast of West Cornwall is a real joy and volunteers get much pleasure from seeing other wildlife including basking sharks, dolphins and seabirds whilst guarding nests.
You don’t need to be a birdwatcher or a member of a conservation organisation to help us.
Taking part involves spending a regular amount of time out on the cliffs keeping an eye on the nest sites and /or talking to visitors. The weather can be challenging at times but if you wrap up against the elements, pack a flask and some croust, there’s no better way to while away a few hours!
The RSPB are also looking for volunteers interested in helping with events and to raise money to keep the Chough Project running. If you would like to know more please get in touch.