As ever with butterfly spotting the likelihood of finding a good diversity and number on the wing depends on the weather on the day, and the weather in preceeding weeks, months and years. There is plenty of protected wide open flower filled space on The Lizard, so given the right conditions numbers of some species should be good.
The most likely to be encountered are:
Large skipper Large White Small White Green Veined White Orange Tip Small Copper Silver Studded Blue Common Blue | Red Admiral Painted Lady Small Tortoiseshell Peacock Comma Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary Dark Green Fritillary Silver-washed Fritillary | Marsh Fritillary Speckled Wood Wall Grayling Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Ringlet Small Heath |
Details of butterfly species to be found and latest sightings can be found on the website of the Cornwall Branch of Butterfly Conservation.