Lizard Ancient Sites Network – Practical Countryside Volunteering

LAN is the acronym for the Lizard Ancient sites Network, a group of volunteers set up in 2009 to look after the prehistoric and early medieval sites on the Lizard peninsula. We work closely with Cornwall Council's Historic Environment service, Natural England and the National Trust on the Lizard.

We look after a wide variety of ancient sites, many of which were formerly overgrown or in danger of being lost. These sites lie in some of the Lizard's most beautiful unspoilt countryside, and make a worthwhile addition to the landscape.

 kynance gate 18-5-09 008  lan 02

We have a number of site monitors, who keep an eye on the monuments, and once a month we do a clear-up at a different site, removing overgrowing vegetation and scrub. These clear-ups are not difficult and are friendly and fun (all tools provided).

Some of the sites where LAN has worked include:
• Kynance Gate settlement (which we have rescued from a sea of gorse)
• The Barrows near Drytree standing stone (which can now be seen for the first time in many years)
• Three Brothers of Grugwith monument (behind Zoar garage)
• And the area around the ruined St.Rumons Church

• We have also helped clear National Trust sites at Chynhalls Point and Carminowe Mill, and have worked on Natural England's Polcoverack settlement.

If you would like to join us on any of our clear-ups you will be made very welcome. They are usually on a Tuesday, further details can be found on our website.

If you would like more information please e-mail us on or telephone 01736 787186



