.Lizard Horizons – The Landewenack Windmill Conservation & Environmental Education Project

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Windmill on Windmill farm

Supported by:

SITA logo Chough icon

Lizard Horizons Project

Windmill Farm nature reserve on the Lizard is jointly owned by Cornwall Wildlife Trust and Cornwall Bird Watching and Preservation Society. The Lizard Horizons Project is funded by Heritage Lottery Fund and SITA Cornwall Trust and although some preliminary (scrub clearance) work has started, the majority of the project will be delivered through the spring and summer of 2015. Below is a summary outline of what the project will deliver;

  • The Landewednack Windmill Scheduled Monument (Cornwall 532) will be repaired and taken off the English Heritage ‘At Risk’ register. A new structure will be created inside the windmill tower including; a spiral staircase, platform and roof. This will be maintained as a viewing tower for the nature reserves and surrounding Lizard landscape.
  • The WWII features at Windmill Farm will all be uncovered. This has been partly done but volunteers will help to clear scrub from the remaining structures. This will enable expert historians to work with volunteers to record what still exists at Windmill Farm and to record the current condition.
  • A new self-guide leaflet will be produced to interpret and explain the WWII features that will be exposed and recorded by volunteers with expert assistance. In addition to the new trail leaflet, there will be interpretation incorporated into the viewing platform.
  • Specialist events will be held at Windmill Farm whilst the building project is underway. The events will include expert guided walks (flora, history, bird-watching and archaeology), storytelling and an Open Day to launch the new viewing tower. Further information can be found at www.cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk and www.the-lizard.org
  • The Wild Lizard Education Ranger will deliver events for local schools at Windmill Farm and in the classroom. The Wild Lizard Education Ranger is hosted by the National Trust and also delivers work for Natural England on the Lizard. This project is part of the close working relationship between organisations on the Lizard that is coordinated though the partnership, Linking the Lizard.
  • Cornwall Wildlife Trust staff are available to give presentations on the Lizard Horizons Project.
  • For more information about the wildlife at Windmill Farm nature reserve go to; http://www.cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk/nature_reserves/where_to_find_the_nature_reserves_1/windmill_farm.htm
  • Directions – the nature reserve is about 1 mile (1.6 km) north of Lizard village, with access from the Helston to Lizard road A3083. Turn right going towards Lizard village at the “Wild Camping” sign, and follow the lane till you see the windmill. A new sign will be installed as part of this project.



