Inspiring people about nature, conservation and local heritage

Local conservation organisations offer a variety of guided walks, events and education days across The Lizard. Helping out with these events is the perfect way to get out and about, learn more about the area and meet other like-minded people. Volunteering in this area can also help if you are trying to build your skills fora future career in conservation, as events experience is now a 'must' for any CV. You don't need to be an expert to help us with any of the opportunities below; we are just looking for an enthusiastic, friendly face!

National Trust

Harbour Day

We offer a programme of events such as Open Farm Sunday, Mullion Harbour Day, guided walks and education days. If you are interested in helping with any National Trust events on the Lizard and / or at Penrose please contact

Want a more regular commitment?

Watch pointWildlife Watchpoint - we are looking for volunteers who are enthusiastic about wildlife and can help inspire visitors and get them closer to nature at our Wildlife Watchpoint at Lizard Point. The watchpoint is open daily from 10am-4pm from April to mid-September. As well as recording all of your wildlife sightings, you and the other watchpoint volunteers will help visitors get great views of Atlantic Grey Seals, Cornish Choughs and other passing wildlife. Lizard Point is an amazing place to watch the world go by and a lovely place to meet like-minded people. Volunteering on the watchpoint requires a regular commitment, ideally once a fortnight. If you are interested please contact: or on 01326 291174.


Lizard Wireless Station - If you have a few hours to spare once a fortnight,Various archive 035 small and you have an interest in local history and like chatting to people, then volunteering at Lizard Wireless Station may be for you. We are always looking for additional people to join our enthusiastic band of volunteers who open this small museum, home to some of Marconi's pioneering radio experiments, to the public. Volunteers tend to do one 3-hr shift a fortnight between Easter and October, but all help is appreciated.

 Wireless station interior



If you are interested in volunteering at the Lizard Wireless Station please contact or 01326 291174.



Helford Marine LifeVoluntary Marine Conservation Areas (VMCA): If you live near a VMCA (Looe, Fowey, Helford, St Agnes or Polzeath) you can become involved as a volunteer. Volunteers can help in these areas with education work involving schools, the events programmes and environmental monitoring programmes. The Helford VMCA has an established group, called the Helford Marine Conservation Group. For more information about the group and how to get involved, please visit their website or contact the coordinator Sue Scott on




Cornwall Wildlife Trust
Wildlife TrustFor more information on Cornwall Wildlife Trust (CWT) and Fox Club events visit the volunteering pages on the CWT website or for CWT events contact Andrea Toy on (01872) 273939, and for Fox Club contact Carolyn O'Hagan on (01872) 273939 ext. 204.


