Wildlife Groundswell and Cornwall National Landscape organised two workshops on the 9th and 10th February 2024 to make swift and bat boxes. Both days were great fun and productive – thanks to all the volunteers!
Putting up the Swift boxes
They now want to get on with putting up the swift boxes before the swifts arrive in May from Africa. Suitable sites are needed, probably where swifts are already known to have established nests so where augmenting their current site will help their colony to spread; or alternatively where swifts were known to have nested recently but where their nesting site has been blocked off. Many people block the holes in their houses where swifts nest, with the result that the pair of adult swifts for which that hole was their essential home are unable to produce offspring. This all too common scenario is contributing to the decline in numbers of swifts.
If you know of such a suitable site, or if you are interested in joining Wildlife Groundswell’s Swift, Swallow, House and Sand Martin group, please contact wildlifegroundswell@gmail.com