Lizard farmers win a national ‘Farming with nature’ award

Rona and Nevil AmissOne of our local farming families were awarded one of the food and farming industry’s highest honours, a National Trust Fine Farm Produce Award at BBC Countryfile Live earlier this summer, with the Lizard’s Tregullas Farm, the most southerly farm on mainland Britain, winning the National Trust’s first-ever ‘Farming with Nature’ award.

Against the stunning backdrop of Blenheim Palace, BBC Countryfile’s Ellie Harrison and Helen Ghosh, Director General of the National Trust, presented this special award to farmers Rona and Nevil Amiss of Tregullas.

“I am delighted that the Fine Farm Produce Awards have generated a special category ‘Farming with Nature’, making the link between award-winning production and the promotion and care of wildlife-rich farmland,” said Helen Ghosh.
Amiss family“The competition was extremely close but Tregullas Farm stood out,” said Rob Macklin, Head of Food and Farming for the National Trust.
National Trust Food and Farming advisers across the country judged the producer who had shown greatest commitment to managing or restoring habitats, demonstrating best practice with soil and water and promoting farming and nature conservation.
Just three years ago the award-winning ‘Farming with Nature’ Amiss family arrived at Tregullas Farm, perched on the tip of Cornwall. Already they’ve made a huge difference – farming closely with nature to create a healthy, productive and wildlife-rich environment.
As well as producing great meat, cereals, vegetables and eggs the careful way in which they work the land creates the perfect habitat for rare birds and plants, including Cornish choughs and wild asparagus.
Tregullas field“Farming with nature is deeply rewarding, and so vital. We’re beginning to see a real difference, even in the relatively short time we’ve been here. I was raised in the country and wanted to farm from a young age. The more you see, the more you decide just how you want to work with the land and its precious wildlife.”


Published: Sept 2016
Author: Alastair Cameron (General Manager The Lizard & Penrose)



