Category: Conservation
Willow woes
During the summer of 2023 there was a subtle but significant browning of the leaves on some of the Grey Willow, Salix cinerea, in the willow carr (wet woodland) at Penrose. […]
Conservation Ponies Part 2
What is it? Benefits and Breeds What is it?Managing interesting landscapes in a low intensive way to encourage the wildlife and plants that these areas support. • Conservation grazing […]
Conservation Ponies Part 1
History For many people the bleak looking downs and moors of the Lizard are iconic parts of its landscape.Due to their wild appearance it is easy to imagine the downs […]
Lowland Point (Coverack)
Mention The Lizard, and you may think of the wild west coast, with its serpentine cliffs and iconic coves, or the open expanse of heathland at Goonhilly. Delve a little […]
Digging beneath the surface – the importance of soils
Picture the stark landscapes synonymous with Cornwall; such as the purple heathers that contrast with the blue of the ocean below. I’ve included a beautiful reminder. This landscape is not […]
The Helford River
….. a dynamic ever changing habitat, shaped by wind and tide. The wild weather we are having now has prompted me to write something about the dynamic nature of an […]
Expanding the Lizard NNR Video(s)
See some of the species that will benefit from additional protection, hear what members of the public value about this significant development, and meet one of the farmers who grazes […]
Expanding NNR Video
The video highlights some of the species that will benefit from additional protection, hear what members of the public value about this significant development, and meet one of the farmers […]
Lizard farmers win a national ‘Farming with nature’ award
One of our local farming families were awarded one of the food and farming industry’s highest honours, a National Trust Fine Farm Produce Award at BBC Countryfile Live earlier this […]
National Trust scything a way forward
National Trust Rangers on the Lizard are turning back the clocks, by putting their faith in the humble scythe. These simple tools, which were the only way to gather in […]
The Helford River Survey– regular long term monitoring of the Helford intertidal areas
Thirty years ago when the Helford River was designated as a Voluntary Marine Conservation Area a survey was established to provide baseline information and ongoing monitoring of the intertidal in […]
Windmill Farm Report Spring and Early Summer
Spring arrivals and passage, of Warblers, was good in April with decent numbers of Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Whitethroat and Sedge Warbler arriving to breed on the Farm. Grasshopper Warbler […]
‘Swailing’ – where there’s smoke there’s a reason
Those of you who are regular watchers of the sky may have noticed in the last few weeks that it changed from its more traditional winter colour of battleship grey […]
A year in the life of a National Trust pony
Grazing the heath at Beagles The National Trust has had ponies here on the Lizard for over 20 years, grazing the coastal heaths and grasslands for the benefit of wildlife. […]
Historic Boundary Hedge Restoration at Teneriffe
Predannack Cliffs and Teneriffe Farm on the west coast of the Lizard are an extremely diverse historic landscape. There is the coastal grassland and heathland of the National Nature Reserve, […]
Invisible Stock Fencing!! We ARE Living in The Future!!
Caerthillian Cove on the south west tip of The Lizard peninsula is a site of botanical splendour. It is winter grazed by ponies to conserve its wonderful floristic diversity. In […]